Secrets in Unreal

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Vortex2 - Kevlarsuit

         2 clips on the overhanging lights in the control room (where you get out of the vent)

Nyleve - Tip: Jump off cliff and land safely on land with out diying

Dig - Armor (2)

     Small Cave
     Stinger, opened by Nali
     ShieldBelt, if you dont kill nali (^^) (aka not Bad boy player xD)

Dug - ASMD


Sacred - Superhealth

Chizra - Amplifier


Ceremony - none that I know of

Dark - Address thingy

      Superhealth (need help on, question will be at bottom)

Harobed - Grave

         Armor(in church) should it be considered secret?
         Flakcannon (behind secret door in wall, go upstairs ride on lift)

TerraLift - none that i know of (unless you wana count the superhealth?)

Terraniux - Superhealth, ammobox

           eightball ammo, shellbox

Noork - Flakcannon

Ruins - Invisibility

    weapon powerup
      Shoot picture to make thunder noise

Trench - None that I know of

Isvkran4- ASMD

Isvkran32- Jumpboots + stingerammo + superhealth + eightball ammo


Isvdeck- invisibility


Spirevillage- attics

Thesunspire - none that I know of

Skycaves - None that I know of

Skytown - Tip: Getting to church, no cheating, no jumpboots, no boosting


Skybase - Monkstatues

         Tip: Getting to skytown, no cheating, no jumpboots, no boosting

Veloraend - Tip: Lure stone titan to bridge then lower it

Bluff - Superhealth (2)

    shieldbelt (not sure)
    rifle (not sure)

Dasapass - should I count the shieldbelt in the box?

Dasacellars - superhealth


Naliboat - Tip: How to get land near start when in water (no cheats or boost)

      lighting picture by shooting torches and the picture in general

NaliC - Amplifier


Nalilord - none that I know of

Dcrater - none that I know of (just a cool powershield, not really secret tho Cheesy)

Extremebeg - None that I know of

Extremelab - Weird secret (see in cheat section)

        Superhealth + shieldbelt

Extremecore - Jumpboots + superhealth

Extremegen - None that I know (unless you count all those items scattered out)

Extremedgen - None that I know

Extremeend - I'll count the kevlar and ammo since people might not really notice the doors to 'em :p

Queenend - None that I know of